Working in horticulture means that we are greener than most companies, but with an integrated sustainability policy we try to minimize our impact on the world around us, whilst greening London one plant at a time.
Here’s a few things we do to make the world a slightly greener place…
- Fleet of electric vehicles
- Staff use public transport for site visits and client meetings
- Use low impact materials such as peat-free compost
- We don't use chemicals in aftercare by using only organic or mechanical methods
- Get the right plant for the right place ensures success from Day 1 and reduces onward plant problems
- Free school lessons for ivy screen installations
- Share knowledge to help educate staff, clients and suppliers
- Support locally grown British nurseries
- Ethically grown plant stock minimizing use of chemical controls
- Recycle plants and pots
- Support charity Perennial. See more of their great work here